Only 10 people Will Create Content That Connects | #5
The other 90 people, who are not creating regularly on social media, will remain followers and subscribers of these 10 people who have the key to happily succeed and live their dream life.
Do you share your thoughts daily on social media? At least, you share some motivational photograph on your social platforms with a ‘Good Morning’ written on it?
Here’s a guess. Out of the 100 people I don’t know on social media, I think 40 of them share such a ‘Good Morning’ message regularly, if not daily, with their social media audience.
If you are among those 40 people, may I ask why do you share such ‘Good morning’ messages or some motivational version of it regularly?
The reasons could be:
I want to…
I feel like it…
I like the message, so I want more people to read it…
Out of these 40 people, there would be 10 people (again, just a guess) who would be sharing such messages daily.
Now, let’s talk about these 10 people who are sharing their motivational or non-motivational messages daily on their social media platforms.
The Ten People Who Have The Key
Out of 100 people who are active on social media today, there will be only 10 people who will have the key to success, prosperity and happiness.
Who are these 10 people?
They are anonymous. I don’t know them. They don’t know me. You don’t know them.
But they are very much there for all those people who know them on social media. They might be known personally or just by social media connections.
These are the people who have the key to achieving big things in life, experiencing greatness and lifting themselves up from the average level of life to that stratospheric level called ‘amazing’.
And all this can be achieved by the 10 people just by sharing content daily that they find meaningful.
What are the characteristics of these 10 people?
These 10 people show:
Consistence. They post daily on their social media. It has become a kind of habit or personal routine for them as they are repeatedly doing it. It is a small step that is building momentum for them towards something, they may not even be aware of. But they continue to do it daily.
Persistence. In posting daily on social media, they are being persistent in showing up daily, even if they have some pressing task at hand during the day. Even if there is some mental or physical obstacle, they still post daily.
Desire. They have this inner urge and desire to share with others through their posts what they have liked and connected to. They are keen to bring the same joy and insight to their friends and followers on social media.
Consistence, Persistence and Desire are among the three most important features of successful people in any area of life.
These 10 people will be the ones who will go on to create content on social media that connects deeply with people. These are the 10 people who will experience the uplifting feeling of having viral content on their chosen social platforms.
Time to bring the ‘But’ in
Now, let me do you a favour and bring a ‘but’ in this conversation. I mean, it’s not all smooth sailing on storm-free seas, isn’t it? There will be rough passages with high waves that can threaten to overturn the ships of these 10 people.
These 10 people have all the traits to be happy, wealthy and successful in life by posting daily on social media. Does this mean they are happy, wealthy and successful just by daily social media posting?
Nope. That’s not the case.
I have said earlier that they have the key to all the success they can imagine. Now those 10 people have to find those doors where the locks are hanging and then slip their magical key inside to open it.
So, they need to start their search for the doors beyond which lie wealth, fame, success and prosperity that is difficult for the remaining 90 people to even imagine.
But, these 10 people will be tagged ‘successful’, ‘rich’, ‘famous’ only when they start taking active, thoughtful steps in that direction.
May I ask what steps?
Yes, you may. Here are some steps that these 10 people need to take to attain peace and prosperity in their life through social media.
Step 1: Think of yourself as a wannabe expert
I understand that you may not be an expert in anything. I’ll give you this much. But I am not asking you to be an expert for the world, am I?
If you are having trouble imagining that you could be an expert in anything, I’ll say one word to you: “relax”
By definition, an expert is a person who has a high degree of skill, experience and knowledge in some field or subject. Yes, you may not have those high skill sets in any field or subject at present. But remember what you do have - consistency, persistency and desire. These three crucial personality traits can make you an expert in any domain that you choose.
As a first step, start thinking of yourself as a ‘wannabe’ (want to be) expert. Now that you wish to be an expert, continue to do what you are doing - posting daily on social media - with an added input. This input will be adding your own thoughts to the motivational/non-motivational message that you share daily and sharing it with your friends and followers.
Earlier, you were sharing just the motivational posts that you liked, now you can start putting your spin to the message that you are about to post daily. This will start bringing out your unique personality that will start shining in front of everyone.
Once you continue to do this daily, you will find yourself drawn to some topics more than others as you talk about them via text, audio or videos on social media. This puts you on the path to achieving expert level knowledge in your chosen topics as you refine your thoughts through practice and experience.
Step 2: Ask for feedback on your posts
The content that you are posting daily as text, audio and videos is making an impact all right. Now, you should like to know how much of an impact it is really making in the minds of your friends and followers on social media.
At this point, you actively start requesting feedback from them as you post daily. This will give you even more encouragement to create content. Yes, now you can start tagging yourself as a ‘content creator’. The content creator is eager to create content on social media that satisfies his own inner urges and becomes a ray of hope, learning and change of behaviour for the better.
Step 3: Go deeper into challenges
As you create and share your posts daily on social media, you begin to develop your voice. That voice begins to talk more about the challenges and problems that you are highlighting daily in your social posts.
You may ask here, “what kind of challenges?” The challenges that begin to show themselves that are embedded in the text/pic/audio/video messages that you are ready to share.
Think deeper on why you have chosen to share something. Is it the answer to some unspoken challenge that people have? The light of knowledge will shine upon you as you go deeper into such aspects.
These are the initial first steps that will map your path towards a life that is rich in meaning. You will attract more varied experiences that will fill you with happy smiles.
If you are among the 10 people who are posting daily on social media, consider yourself as the chosen ones destined to thrive and emerge victorious in life.
Social Media Marketing checklist
Download this three-page 15-point social media marketing checklist. (Just type ‘0’ in ‘Name a fair price’ column when downloading). Refer to the checklist daily so that you can continue to grow your social media followers and subscribers.